CEIE Groundbreaking Invitation & Model
The Centre for Engineering Innovation & Entrepreneurship has been in the works for years. This building will house some amazing researchers and students, and nothing I could write about it would do it justice.
It’s broken ground. It’s built. It’s an exciting time for the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, and for the University of Toronto. I wanted to create an invitation to the groundbreaking ceremony that was equally exciting.
This model went through 4 complete overhauls before it even left my office. It was intense. My X-Acto knife got a workout before I left it in the capable hands of Somerset Graphics. 3 die iterations later, we have this. It’s magical.
Client: University of Toronto, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering
Quantity Produced: 1,000
Production Time: 1 month
Print Credits: Somerset Graphics Co Ltd
Type Credits: Trade Gothic
Page Count: 5 cards (Invitation, 3 Punch-Out Model Cards, Map Card)
Print Method: Offset
Dimensions: 5 x 7″
Stock: Cougar 160lb Cover
Colours: process